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the don’t be broke blog

Thinking About Purchasing That Dream House?

It’s a great time to be a house hunter. Almost everyone with a decent job and a good credit score can afford to buy in their home towns. Over 72% of families making $63,800 a year, could afford to buy a home at some point in the first three months of 2010, according to a […]
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Keeping Customers and Cash – Safe

VEGAS-BASED DOLLAR LOAN CETNER REFUSES TO GAMBLE WITH SECURITY | BY ABBIE KIEFER When Chuck Brennan founded Dollar Loan Center in 1998, he set out to do one thing: offer signature loans with reasonable terms in a safe, professional environment. “I wanted to give my clients low rates, flexible repayment options and a business-like atmosphere,” […]
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Senate Want to Take Availability To Short Term Loans

Did you know that next week the Government is putting in place a bill that will eliminate your ability to take out short term cash advances and pay day loans? If they take away your access to emergency cash, where will you go?  These legislators have no idea that you need cash from time to […]
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Why choose a Direct Lender? What’s the big deal?

Choose a payday lender for when you are in need of a cash emergency. They’ll provide you money in a matter of a few hours, or the next day. The single best way of finding the right payday lender is look for a direct lender. Many websites out there today are NOT direct lenders. So, […]
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Tips for Finding the Right Short Term Lender

Everyone has emergencies that come up unexpected. When you are in need of some fast instant cash, one way is to go online and look for a short term loan or payday loan. When taking out a short term loan consider the below… Apply with a Direct Lender. Direct lenders most often than not, are […]
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Money Saving Tips For The Grocery Store

With the current food and beverage prices, how high is your anxiety level when you enter local supermarket? If you’re like most of us it’s pretty high. Here are several straightforward tactics that will keep your money in your pocket at the supermarket… Select goods that are on the top and bottom shelves – Larger […]
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Will You Pay For Carry-On Bags?

With many airlines now charging a fee for checked baggage, the next step has now arrived. Spirit Airlines announced Tuesday that it will charge its patrons $20 to $45 for objects they place in the overhead bins. The fee depends on if passengers are members in the airline’s ultra-low fare club and whether they reserve […]
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Homebuyer Tax Credit Expiring Soon

First-time homebuyers may be eligible for up to $8,000, while those who are trading up could get as much as $6,500. Either way, buyers have to be in contract by the end of April and close before July 1 to see the refund. There is little sentiment for continuing this program, mainly because several think […]
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Facts about the first-time homebuyer tax credit

The first-time homebuyer tax credit has been extended to cover home sales in contract by April 30, 2010 but it is doubtful that this tax credit will be extended once more. However, there are a few things that one must meet in order to receive the credit. Income limits of $125,000 for individuals and $225,000 […]
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Are You Afraid To Pay Your Bills Online?

Due to the popularity of online banking, paying your bills by writing a check may possibly become a thing of the past. Instead of sorting through bills delivered by your post man, then balancing a checkbook, and writing and mailing checks, consumers can track debits in real-time, automatically budget upcoming expenses and transfer money to […]
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